Shine On

According to legend, the Shine On Award was created by senior bloggers. It’s an award for fellow bloggers to celebrate and promote what you’re doing on your blog and show you appreciation for it by nominating you. Once you are nominated, you’ve received the award.

Well, I’ve been nominated, so now it’s time to follow the rules!


  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself
  4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
  5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

Display the award logo on your blog.

Shine On

Link back to the person who nominated you.

Does anyone want to guess who nominated me? Hint…Check out my last couple of award posts….

Yup! None other than the lovely Donna of Heron There & Everywhere! If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, well…what are you waiting for?!? Go now!

State 7 things about yourself

The more I do these, the harder it gets…Does anyone else feel this way?

Oh, good. It’s not just me 😛

  1. I’m a Mac. This revelation may cause an uproar, because I know so many people out there are PC fans and swear by them, but my Mac has lasted me pretty solidly for the past 5 years. In fact, we just celebrated my computer’s fifth birthday back at the end of July, and while there have been times I’ve taken him to the Doctor’s Office (aka the Genius bar), he’s always gotten better for me. Unlike my experience with PCs. Those crash and can’t be fixed about every year and half/two years for me. I’ve dealt with hard drive failures, motherboard issues, video card errors, and Apple has always been able to fix everything. Even though I swear I didn’t buy Apple Care. But you can bet that in a few years when I get a new Mac, I will buy it. And I probably won’t need it until the Apple Care expires, but I won’t even care. Because Apple has kept my baby going for me.
  2. I bought new sunscreen today. It’s not either of the two kinds I talked about in my Versatile Blogger Award post. It is the same brand, though (I love Hawaiian Tropics). I’ve gone to several stores and no one has my sunscreen anymore! 😦 They’re all sold out. Which, I guess, makes sense considering Labor Day weekend just happened and it was everyone’s last hurrah in the sun and at the beach. Summer is unofficially over 😦
  3. I start classes in less than a week! And I’m so excited! Yay for graduate school!!! It’s going to be great, and in two-ish years, I’ll be a certified teacher!!! Woo-hoo!
  4. I had a job interview yesterday, and I was very excited/anxious. I think my inner voice was rather entertaining on my way to the interview: “Am i sure this is the right bus? This can’t be the right bus. Oh it is the right bus. Where am I going? Is this the school? No, this is a different school. Where am I? Maybe I’ll check again…Oh…thanks, It’s just down this block. Okay, in we go!…oh this is the wrong campus? Thank goodness I’m half an hour early still…it’s where? Oh great. okay. I think I can find it. Is this the right way? I hope so. Why isn’t my phone’s dot moving? …There it goes…where is this school? This? Here? No. Okay. Well, let’s see…walk, walk, walk, why does this look familiar? Wait a minute….Are you kidding me? This is where I got off the bus…UGH I should have double checked the address.”
  5. I bought a new blazer on Monday for my interview. Well, really, I bought two blazers, and I wore one of them today. Yay for gift cards! One of my blazers is blue with maroon lining, and black elbow patches. I bought it because it made me happy and it was on clearance! Yay! 🙂 Here’s a picture of my interview outfit:1174777_10151605700378093_1372144049_n
  6. In case you didn’t notice my awesome phone case in the above image….I like Batman. A lot. In fact, Batman is my favorite superhero by far. Literally, FAVORITE! Click to read my Reasons Why Batman Is the Greatest Hero Ever. Anyway, to add to this love of Batman, my favorite one is probably the Batman from the 90’s animated series. You know, the one that decided Batman was so iconic he didn’t need his name written in the opening credits because his image (a new image, in fact) would be enough for people to recognize him.
  7. I’m about to start searching for an apartment/roommates/room in NYC. I’m almost stable enough financially that I might be able to do it successfully, which will be nice because the brother’s are being sweethearts letting me stay here as a guest while I get myself situated.

Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.

  1. Beyond Blessed Blog
  2. Fit for a Year
  3. Have You Seen My Glass Slipper?
  4. In Pleasant Places
  5. jacquelinewo
  6. Jibber Jabber & Happenstance
  7. livedgospel
  8. Love Pirate’s Ship’s Log
  9. mindurspirit
  10. NYC Expeditionist
  11. Project Light to Life
  12. Simple Heart Girl
  13. Superfoodista
  14. T | C | R
  15. Today’s the Day I…

Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

Well..I guess I’m off to do that now! Please please please check out these awesome blogs! They all shine!


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