Job Searching

I am so grateful for my decision to do that Challenge Blog Everyday in September, because right about now it is the only thing keeping me posting.

I am wearing myself into the ground with all the job searching and apartment hunting, and I can feel myself starting to lose motivation. Fortunately, when I start my day, I have my blog prompt, courtesy of Karissa and it’s just enough to keep me going until I find my motivation.

Is anyone else in the midst of job hunting? or apartment searching? Either search is difficult and frustrating, for sure, and combining them is definitely a challenge that I don’t really want to deal with again.

I feel like I’ve spent months searching for jobs, scouring websites and classifieds, but this market is making it difficult. Plus, I don’t really know how to sell my skills for something outside of the field of education, and its almost impossible to get a job in education without certification.

Anyway, today I was feeling really defeated about all of this, and I spent a lot of time thinking and reflecting on it.

Searching for a job has been tough, partially because I feel like companies and schools that might work out for me end up disappointing me with their communication issues. There have been quite a few places where I’ve applied and interviewed, but their communication and presence wasn’t quite in line with what they were saying.

I think that’s one of the more disappointing things. I feel like I haven’t found a place that is the right fit for me.

I don’t know where that place is, or if it even exists.

For now, I think I’m going to take a day or two off, and do a little more soul searching before I jump back into the search.


PS If you have suggestions on where to look for a job in the NYC area, I wouldn’t complain about you sharing your suggestions 😉